Arthington is a small city in Montserrado County, Liberia, located along the Saint Paul River Northwest of the capital city of Monrovia.

The city is named after Robert Arthington, an attorney and philanthropist from Leeds, England who contributed money for former slaves from the Southern United States to emigrate to Liberia and to increase access to Liberia’s interior.

Arthington was settled in 1869 by 79 African-American immigrants from Windsor, North Carolina. In 1870, John Roulhac and his party arrived. In 1871, parties led by Jefferson Bracewell and Elias Hill arrived, and in 1872 another group led by Aaron Miller also arrived. Over the years, more African-American from Georgia, and York, South Carolina, like the Moore, the Hills, and the Thousands, made the city of Arthington their home increasing what became known as the Americo-Liberian population in the city.

The city was once known for producing sugarcane, coffee, and ginger, and was the location of one of Liberian’s most prosperous trading companies in the late 19th century.